pesawat tempur uni soviet dalam perang dunia ii bahasa Inggris
- pesawat: aero-space craft; crew man; gone on board; went
- pesawat tempur: fighter aircraft; fighter; attack aircraft;
- tempur: combat
- uni: union
- uni soviet: politics of the soviet union; soviet union;
- soviet: soviet (council); soviet
- dalam: bladder; came in; deep; in; inside; on; profound;
- dalam perang: in action
- perang: brown; war; campaign; martial; dark-brown;
- perang dunia: world war
- perang dunia ii: world war ii; second world war
- dunia: earth; globe; of the world; realm; world;
- pesawat tempur jepang dalam perang dunia ii: world war ii japanese fighter aircraft
- tank uni soviet dalam perang dunia ii: world war ii tanks of the soviet union
- pesawat tempur perang dunia ii: world war ii fighter aircraft
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